We’re on a mission to provide living wages to broadcasters.

Multi Media is a tech company that provides unparalleled live streaming platforms where independent content creators can build safe and inclusive communities for meaningful virtual connections.

Streaming per month
Sessions per month.
Consumed bandwidth
Active users per sec

Our story

MultiMedia was founded in 2011 with a mission to create and operate the very best live streaming platforms that give the world better live experiences and provide income opportunities for independent content creators all over the world.

Our goals

Our goals include enhancing our main site, developing employee skills, reducing bad user experiences, and increasing site usage. We strive for improved functionality, satisfied users, and business growth.

The values that drive
everything we do

The practices that make our work culture great:

We love our community

We support a sex-positive culture and environment where everyone is welcome. We put the user experience first. Although no one is required to use Chaturbate, we respect those who use Chaturbate as a viewer or a broadcaster. We will never present ourselves as staff members to the CB community. We respect the intelligence of our community and users. We build powerful and sophisticated products for the experts in the CB community. We do not assume our users are not capable of adopting and monetizing intricate tools.

We are continually
learning and growing

We hire for potential; we train for skill. We provide a safe environment for anyone to ask questions. Good questions can only arise if people are not afraid of negative consequences. We share knowledge with coworkers to foster an understanding of the bigger picture.
We take challenging courses, read thought-provoking material, and seek to become better field experts.

We get stuff done!

We set and accomplish ambitious goals for ourselves and our teams.We prefer the simplest, most standard solution to a problem.We follow just-in-time principles.
We are a company where everyone feels responsible for making us better. We all pitch in and feel pride in caring for small and large problems, never thinking, “that’s someone else’s job.”We focus on goals, not problems.

We communicate openly
and frequently

When we have something to discuss, we do not wait for a weekly meeting; we bring it up via slack or calla meeting to discuss it promptly.If we disagree on a topic/solution, we voice it and discuss it. Once we decide on a path forward, we commit to that decision.
We always seek diverse perspectives and understand that the more diverse our backgrounds are, the stronger we are.

Our vacation policy is:
“Take a vacation."

Our leaders set good examples by taking vacations, often coming back with fresh ideas, and encouraging the rest of the team to do the same.We mix work and personal time quite a bit, doing email at odd hours or taking off a weekday afternoon.